You’re a busy professional, and your desk may not be the neatest. And, who can blame you? You have stacks of papers that seem to swarm your space, and each pile has a purpose that means you can’t put it on the floor. With all of these important documents on your desk, the other knick-knacks that are there may get lost in the shuffle. Even pictures of your family might get lost in the heaps of papers. This means that a desk name plaque on the front of your desk may not be the perfect placement. It will probably get buried. However, there are many other spaces in your office that are perfect for a desk name plaque.
You don’t need to put your desk name plaque at the front of your desk in order for it to be a focal point and conversation starter. Your desk name plaque can be on a shelving unit next to or above your desk, on a plant stand, or anywhere in between. The unique desk name plaques that you can find with will be sure to stand out on their own no matter where they are in your office. Our hand-crafted desk name plaques display elegance and professionalism, and when you have it in your office, it says that you don’t follow the crowd. You are not afraid to be different and have a desk name plaque that breaks away from plastic and metal name plates.
Associate yourself with being different, while still maintaining the luxury of a name plate. Use our interactive services to create one online yourself, or give us a call and let us create it for you. Our desk name plaques are one-of-a-kind, and we want to help you stand out and shine as the individual that you are. Let our name plates do that for you. We know you’ll be thrilled with the results.